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apple seeds are adapted to the cold environment , So there seeds will germinate only through cold and moist climate. Here I will give the way to germinate the apple seed . This is very easy . Using this way we can grow and plant apple seed in any region. For this we want  extract few apple seed from any kind apple. For this work we need few apple seeds, one piece of tissue paper or a cotton cloth, a plastic cup (without any hole because the germination happens only in absence of air) , a refrigerator.

                                    First remove the seeds from apple without any damage . Make sure in market the seedless apples are there . And put the seed in water for nearly 6 hours. After that place the apple seed in the plastic cup and cover the seed with the tissue .

the above images for reference


                            Fill some amount of water to make it moist. As seen from the above image. keep it in the fridge .It will take nearly 30 to 90 days to germinate.

For me it takes nearly 28 days.

                             When you see the sprouting of the apple seed ,then put it in to soil . Normally a germinating seed grow better in compost soil . For me it isn't available so I used black soil .Even though make sure the soil what we choose is doesn't matter ,the mineral supply.

 of water daily . place the sprout carefully. put plenty 

                                          for the first few days the sprout will grow very  much faster. 
 DAY one with magnified view 1

 day 2

   DAY 3

 DAY 4

 DAY 5

 DAY 6

 DAY 7

 DAY 8
 DAY 9
 DAY 10


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